Project Lead the Way
PLTW Engineering is more than just another high school engineering program. It is about applying engineering, science, math, and technology to solve complex, open-ended problems in a real-world context. Students focus on the process of defining and solving a problem, not on getting the "right" answer. They learn how to apply STEM knowledge, skills, and habits of mind to make the world a better place through innovation.
PLTW students have said that PLTW Engineering influenced their post-secondary decisions and helped shape their future. Even for students who do not plan to pursue engineering after high school, the PLTW Engineering program provides opportunities to develop highly transferable skills in collaboration, communication, and critical thinking, which are relevant for any coursework or career.
Scholarships, Admissions Preference, and College-Level Recognition
PLTW offers a strong support system for STEM education and a powerful national college and university presence to create the best opportunities for students and teachers across the country. More than 150 colleges and universities recognize and reward the great work being accomplished by PLTW schools, students, and teachers.
Postsecondary institutions recognize PLTW students in a variety of ways, and this page provides a few common examples. Check with individual schools – especially PLTW Affiliates – for information on recognition opportunities they offer to PLTW students.
PLTW students often show increased performance and persistence versus their non-PLTW peers. As a result, many colleges and universities offer scholarships for PLTW students to attend their institution. The following are ways in which institutions are offering scholarships or grants.
Students are awarded a scholarship or grant based upon their enrollment in PLTW programs or course(s)
Students are eligible to apply for scholarships specifically designated for PLTW students.
Admissions Preference
Data show that PLTW graduates often excel and persist at a higher rate than their non-PLTW peers. As a result, many institutions wish to offer preference to PLTW students seeking admission. The following are ways in which institutions offer admissions preference to PLTW students.
PLTW courses act as one of the required courses for admission, such as a science or math equivalency course.
PLTW programs or courses are part of the institution’s weighted admissions requirements used when accepting students into the institution or degree program.
Completion of a PLTW program or courses leads to automatic enrollment into the institution or degree program.
College-Level Recognition
PLTW classes are nationally standardized, project-based courses that prepare students for college-level work and culminate with a student assessment, which colleges and universities can use to determine if a student earns college credit. We work with Rochester Institute of Technology to offer students Transcripted College Credit.
Transcripted College Credit
PLTW has an agreement with many universities where the course meets the college level course they offer. Students can take their PLTW course grades and apply to them to colleges where it can be transferred out from or used within the college. In District 211 we work with Rochester Institute of Technology due to their ease of access to this opportunity.